Bitcoin books

Read the best books about Bitcoin and learn more about the future of money and the technology behind it.

Best books

21 Futures

21 Futures

21 Futures is the first collection of Bitcoin related science fiction. It is a collection of short stories that explore the social, economic, and political implications of Bitcoin.



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Abundance Through Scarcity

Abundance Through Scarcity

In Abundance Through Scarcity, Ioni Appelberg, a medical doctor, psychonaut, and martial artist, embarks on a thought-provoking exploration that challenges the hidden forms of slavery in our modern world. Appelberg exposes the illusory nature of voluntary servitude with captivating prose and profound insights and directly calls us to reclaim our freedom.



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Bitcoin and The Trust Problem

Bitcoin and The Trust Problem

Bitcoin and the Trust Problem by Karo Zagorus is an exploration of the interplay between the revolutionary digital currency, Bitcoin, and the pervasive issue of trust in our society. The book delves into the complexities of Bitcoin, going beyond its common perception as a mere digital currency.



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Bitcoin Evanglism

Bitcoin Evanglism

Bitcoin Evangelism is a tremendous resource for those that are new to Bitcoin as well as those that have already adopted this technology and are looking to more fully grasp some of these technical concepts and share them with others. This stuff doesn't need to be difficult and Bitcoin Evangelism will make Bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrency accessible to everyone.



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Bitcoin: A Work in Progress

Bitcoin: A Work in Progress

With thousands of 'crypto' projects out there, they say Bitcoin is old and boring, but nothing could be further from the truth. This book will guide you through the latest developments in Bitcoin, as seen through the eyes of one of its many developers.



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Bitcoin: Everything Divided By 21 Million

Bitcoin: Everything Divided By 21 Million

"Imagine, everything there is and everything that will ever be, divided by 21 million.” This book opens with a difficult invitation that immediately makes us question the way we think and presents us with the challenge of bitcoin.



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Bitcoin: Everything You Need to Know

Bitcoin: Everything You Need to Know

Bitcoin: Everything You Need to Know is aimed at a wide audience and goes in-depth on several subjects while remaining easy to grasp by the layman.



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Bitcoin: Sovereignty & Independence

Bitcoin: Sovereignty & Independence

Sovereignty & Independence is the re-hashed version of Knut Svanholm’s first two “proper” bitcoin books: “Bitcoin: Sovereignty through mathematics” and “Bitcoin: Independence re-imagined”. An engaging and educational read that shows Knut’s ability to put himself into his books.



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Introduction to Bitcoin: Navigating the Future of Money

Introduction to Bitcoin: Navigating the Future of Money

Hilbay’s book is a blueprint for a different kind of future, where the world operates on one digital currency standard, beyond the control of any one country or alliance of countries, where the most valuable and technologically advanced money is something that will be accessible to anyone: a refugee or a billionaire, equally.



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Layered Money

Layered Money

In this fascinating deep dive into the evolution of monetary systems around the globe, Nik Bhatia takes us into the origins of how money has evolved to function in a 'layered' manner.



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The Bitcoin Handbook

The Bitcoin Handbook

The Bitcoin Handbook is a collection of the most helpful frameworks, mental models, and heuristics for making sense of money in the Digital Age.



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The Bitcoin Standard

The Bitcoin Standard

A comprehensive and authoritative exploration of Bitcoin and its place in monetary history



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The Book of Satoshi

The Book of Satoshi

The Book of Satoshi provides a convenient way to parse through what Bitcoin’s creator wrote over the span of the two years that constituted his 'public life' before he disappeared from the Internet ... at least under the name Satoshi Nakamoto.



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The Fiat Standard

The Fiat Standard

The Fiat Standard is Saifedean Ammous’s attempt to explain the technology behind the current analog global monetary system.



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Why Bitcoin?

Why Bitcoin?

Discover the world of bitcoin with Tomer Strolight's captivating book, 'Why Bitcoin?'. Originally a series of essays, his work has been transformed into an organized and easy-to-digest collection of short yet insightful reads that explore the most important yet unexplained and poorly understood aspects of Bitcoin.



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